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March 30, 2021 In weight loss By Dr. Vikas Singhal

All About Weight Loss Surgery “Risks And Side Effects”

Do you want to get rid of stubborn abdominal and visceral fat to trim the midsection? Want to know about an easy way to lose belly fat and boost your body image? If your answers are in the affirmative, it is time for you to know about weight loss or Bariatric Surgery in Gurgaon that is considered the best treatment for severely obese individuals who don’t receive benefits from non-surgical weight loss methods.

A qualified and experienced surgeon performs weight Loss Surgery or Bariatric surgery to help severely obese. Other individuals to get rid of excess weight and minimise their risk of potentially life-threatening health conditions, including but not limited to high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea.

This surgery is ideal for individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher (extreme obesity) or those who have a BMI of 35.0-39.9 (obesity) and have a severe weight-associated health condition like high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, or type 2 diabetes. In some cases, the Bariatric surgeon in Gurgaon may perform Bariatric surgery on individuals whose BMI is 30-34 and have severe weight-related health problems.

How to prepare yourself for bariatric or weight loss surgery in Gurgaon?

The surgeon will provide you with instructions on how to prepare yourself for bariatric or weight loss surgery. You may have to undergo different lab and diagnostic tests and examinations before bariatric or weight loss surgery in Delhi. The surgeon may recommend a physical activity program and ask you to stop using alcohol, nicotine, and herbal supplements.

What can you expect on the day of bariatric or weight loss surgery?

Bariatric surgery is performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon under general anesthesia, which means you would not experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure that usually lasts for 40-60 minutes. The specifics of your Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery in Gurgaon depend on your situation, the surgeon’s expertise, the success rate of the clinic, the type of weight loss surgery, etc. Some weight loss or bariatric surgeries are performed with open or traditional large abdomen incisions.

Today, the majority of bariatric surgeries are performed laparoscopically. During the surgical procedure, a small tubular instrument known as a laparoscope that comes with a camera attached is used by the surgeon. The surgeon inserts this instrument through small abdomen incisions. The small camera on the laparoscope’s tip helps the surgeon view and operate inside the abdomen without making large incisions.

Types Of Bariatric Surgery

There are three common types of weight loss surgery in Gurgaon:

  • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This surgical procedure is the most common of all gastric bypass methods. It works by minimising the intake of food patients can eat at a single sitting and reducing the absorption of nutrients. During this procedure, the surgeon cuts across the stomach’s top region and seals it off from the rest of the organ. As a result, the resulting pouch can hold only one ounce of food than the usual 3 pints of food. After that, the surgeon cuts through the small intestine and directly sews a part of it into the pouch. Once the procedure has been successfully performed, any consumed food will go into this small stomach pouch and then directly into the patient’s small intestine sewn to it. In other words, foods will bypass most of the stomach and the first section of the small intestine to enter into the middle part of the small intestine directly.
  • Sleeve gastrectomy. About 80 percent of the stomach is removed with this surgical procedure to leave a tube-like, long pouch. The resultant small stomach is unable to hold foods in large quantities. It also means that the stomach will produce less ghrelin, the appetite-regulating hormone, which lessens the desire to eat. This procedure results in massive weight loss and is characterised by no rerouting of the intestines. The procedure requires a shorter stay at the hospital compared to most other procedures.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. During this two-part surgery, the first step is all about the performance of a procedure that is quite similar to sleeve gastrectomy. The second surgery is about connecting the end portion of the intestine to the duodenum near the patient’s stomach (duodenal switch and biliopancreatic diversion), which bypasses the majority of the patient’s intestine. This surgical procedure limits the amount of food the patient can consume, reducing the absorption of nutrients.

The surgeon will review the patient’s body mass index, previous surgeries (if any), eating habits, other health issues, and the pros and cons of each procedure.

Gastric bypass and other bariatric surgeries prove beneficial when it comes to providing weight loss in the long run. The amount of weight loss will depend on the type of surgery performed and the patient’s lifestyle habits. Gastric bypass surgery may improve or resolve health conditions apart from weight loss, such as high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), osteoarthritis (joint pain), and type 2 diabetes.

Risks & Side effects of weight loss surgery in Gurgaon

As with any effective procedure, Bariatric Surgery may lead to side effects of weight loss surgery in Delhi, such as blood clots, gastrointestinal system leaks, breathing or lung problems, adverse reactions to anesthesia, infection, soreness, severe pain, swelling, and severe discomfort. In rare instances, the risks of weight loss surgery in Delhi may outweigh its benefits. They may cause side effects of weight loss surgery in Gurgaon, such as bowel obstruction, Dumping Syndrome, Ulcers, Vomiting, Hernias, and Gallstones.

The side effects and risks of weight loss surgery in Delhi may also include acid reflux, malnutrition, low blood sugar, or a second or revision weight loss surgery.

However, you can minimise or avoid the side effects and risks of weight loss surgery in the first place by choosing the best Bariatric surgeon in Gurgaon. Stay protected against the risks of weight loss surgery in Delhi by making an informed decision. Contact Dr Vikas Singhal’s Clinic now!


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