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August 12, 2021 In Uncategorized By

Diabetes: How Type 1 diabetes is different from type 2 diabetes? What are the risks?

Although Type-2 diabetes is more prevalent, most people either don’t know about Type-1 diabetes or they might face some confusions between type-1 and type-2  diabetes. Both types of diabetes indeed come with a few similarities; however, their risks and management are entirely different. Aside from Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes, there are two other types –

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January 28, 2021 In Diabetes By

Can a Surgery Treat Diabetes?

With the twin epidemiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity on the rise, it has become difficult to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its associated complications. According to WHO, obesity and diabetes over the last decade has become a global problem. According to evidence based research studies Asians are found to have a

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January 28, 2021 In Bariatric surgery By

Bariatric Surgery & its Types

Bariatric surgical procedure is carried out for weight loss which involves restricting the amount of food to the stomach. It is usually performed in people with obesity. Obesity is a metabolic disorder faced by the human population all over the world which imposes a person to various health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol

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Exercise post bariatric surgery
January 11, 2021 In bariatric surgery By

Exercise After Bariatric Surgery

If you have undergone bariatric surgery, it is essential to follow a comprehensive diet and exercise program to address your needs. This program will help you promote wound healing, minimise the risk of blood clots, enhance blood circulation, and improve your bowel function.   Reason You Should Exercise After Bariatric Surgery? Exercises play an important

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